Jaydev Singh Rao

Jaydev Singh Rao

PhD Student

Institute for Theoretical Physics, KU Leuven

06.09, Celestijnenlaan 200d box 2415,
3001 Heverlee, Belgium

About Me

I am a PhD student working under the supervision of Prof. Alessio Lerose at Institute for Theoretical Physics, KU Leuven. I am most passionate about research in theoretical condensed matter physics with particular interest in non-equilibrium phenomena and dynamics in quantum many body systems.

I am also enthusiastic about computer science, programming, and developing open-source software for scientific research. As for my research experience, I have worked on some interesting projects in the past, ranging from quantum and classical spin models to molecular dynamics, for which you can find more detailed information on the "my work" page of this website.

For my formal education, I completed my master's degree in Physics at the University of Cambridge in 2024 after having completed my bachelor's degree in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science from IISER Bhopal in 2023.

Outside of academic life, I find solace in music, learning languages while dabbling with linguistic nuances, and, often, just procrastinating at practising flute or reading books. I have also recently developed a strong liking to travelling and experience new places and cultures. It's quite possible that I'll be roaming the world in the future, stay tuned for that *winks uncharacteristically*.

If you're here, there is a significant probability that you want to contact me. If so, I can be contacted through email at jaydevsingh.rao[α]kuleuven[∘]be for work or jaydevsrao[α]gmail[∘]com for non-work.


  • Statistical Physics
  • Quantum Many-Body Physics
  • Computational Physics
  • Open Source Scientific Software


  • Master of Advance Studies (2023-2024)


    University of Cambridge, UK

  • Bachelor of Science (2019-2023)

    Electrical Engineering and Computer Science

    IISER Bhopal, India