
  • R. V. Gavai, B. Mohanty, J. S. Rao, S. Saha, Cumulants and Ordering of Their Ratios in 2D Potts Models: Lessons for QCD?, arXiv:2312.12130 [hep-lat]

Research Projects

  • Dynamics of quantum traverse field Ising model (Supervised by Prof. Dr. Markus Heyl, Universität Augsburg, Germany).

    In presence of long range interactions among the spins in a traverse-field Ising model, it is not possible to obtain a good analytic description of it's dynamical properties. We aim to use a perturbative renormalization group technique based on the strong-disorder renormalization group (SDRG) to obtain time evolution of spins and their correlators for this model. This has possible applications to understand the entanglement dynamics and glassy behaviour of systems of Rydberg atoms. This project was supported by funding from the DAAD-WISE scholarship programme.
  • Higher order susceptibilities of the 2D 3-state Potts model (Supervised by Prof. Rajiv V. Gavai, IISER Bhopal, India).

    In search of the QCD critical point, higher order baryonic susceptibilities (or cumulants) play a vital role as indicators of crossovers and phase-transitions. In this project we studied such equivalent higher order magnetic susceptiblities for classical spin models, particularly the 2D 3-state Potts model. We obtained scaling exponents of such quantities using finite size scaling theory and performed numerical verification of these results with cluster based Monte-Carlo simulations. We also looked into the ratios of higher order susceptibilites near the second order critical point to gain some qualitative insights about their behavior in critical regions.
  • Statistics of nearest neighbor distances of the 2D Ising and XY model (Supervised by Prof. Dr. Markus Heyl, Universität Augsburg, Germany).

    This was a remote project in which I got to learn about classical spin models and how to generate configurations of such models using Monte-Carlo simulations. I used the Wolff cluster algorithm to study the second order phase transition of the classical 2D Ising model and the Kosterlitz-Thouless transition in the classical 2D XY model. We were also trying to understand the statistics of nearest neighbor distances of the configurations of these models at different temperatures. We obtained some general probabilitic bounds for the averages of such nearest neighbor distances and tried to relate these to the global properties of these models at a particular temperature such as the structure factor.

Open Source Projects

  • Contributor to Molly.jl, an open-source molecular dynamics library in Julia. Some funded project that I have worked on for this library are:

    • (May-September, 2023) Improving performance on GPUs with improved kernels and neighbor lists. Funded by Julia Summer of Code 2023 with support from NumFOCUS.

    • (June-September, 2022) Implementation of Replica Exchange Molecular Dynamics (REMD) simulators. Funded by Google Summer of Code 2022.

Talks, Presentations and Workshops

Legend: = Talk, = Presentation, = Workshop


  • 25 March, 2023, A closer look at the critical fluctuations of 3-state Potts model at In-house Physics Symposium, Department of Physics, IISER, Bhopal, India.

  • 29 January, 2023, Introduction to Git and GitHub for Project Management and Open Source Development at IISER, Bhopal, India. [Material]


  • 30 October, 2022, What is GSoC all about? Plus, my project, experience and tips at IISER Bhopal, Bhopal, India. [Material]